global makers project
Position: Maker Fellow Year 2
Employer: Citizen Schools/Americorps
Produced: 2021-2022
Team: Solar Education Project Founders, Sacramento City College Makerspace Director, Sacramento City Colleg Global Studies Coordinator
Roles: Branding/Video/Naming/Web Design/Strategic Foresight
As a Maker Fellow, I helped Solar Education Project reach thousands through a series of strategic projects. The video tutorials, virtual, and in person events connected global makers from places like Haiti, Kenya, and Mexico with Sacramento City College students and the global solar cooker community. The video below is my submission for the 2022 Impact Award hosted by California College of the Arts and funded by The Center for Art and Public Life. I won a five thousand dollar prize to continue doing this work.
Below is a pitch proposal to Solar Education Project for fully redesigned brand package including naming, branding, and web design.